Colleen Winter

A day doesn’t go by when I am not moving words around or deleting entire paragraphs to make whatever I’m writing into the most concise powerful piece of writing it can be. Both in my work as a communications consultant in the Ontario electrical industry and as a fiction writer, it has always been my joy and my challenge to write words that inspire, educate and motivate my readers.

Over time and as the world has evolved, my work has come to encompass almost all elements of writing. Whether its social media posts, video scripts, website content, full length novels or flash fiction, each discipline brings its own challenges and its own rewards. And I love them all.

It’s why I’ve included these two worlds on one website. They are different aspects of the same discipline yet are part of a world of words, stories and ideas that it is always a pleasure to work in. Welcome. Please feel free to explore both sides of the site and if you have any questions, just ask.


My fiction writing is almost entirely dedicated to writing full length novels, specifically science fiction thrillers, but not always. I’ve tried shorter pieces but mainly I prefer the longer form where characters and storylines can be developed over a longer time frame. My first novel, THE GATHERER was re-released in May 2021, with the second instalment of the series, THE DISRUPTORS, released in July of 2021. The final book of the series, THE STORM released in May 2023. My fourth book is tentatively scheduled for release in January 2026,

The Gatherer

The Gatherer

The Disruptors

The Disruptors

The Storm

The Storm


I believe in the importance of being an active participant in the literary community. I held positions of President and Vice-President in the Writer’s Community of Simcoe County for seven years, and President of Voices at Word Up Barrie for three years. I am a member of the International Thriller Writers Society, Science Fiction Writers of America, and the Writer’s Union of Canada. I have attended and presented at the annual Thrillerfest Conference in NYC for five years, a premier conference that draws thriller writers from across the globe. Connecting and sharing knowledge with fellow writers is one of the great benefits of being part of this community and I’m proud to have fostered and been part of these opportunities within these writing communities.


Short-listed for the 2020 Kobo Rakuten Emerging Writer Prize for Speculative Fiction

Winner of the CAA Leacock/Simcoe Erotic Prose Contest

Winner of the Best First Sentence Contest at Thrillerfest 2018

Recipient of Two Ontario Arts Council Writers’ Reserve Grants

Short listed for Barbara Kyle’s Manuscript Evaluation Contest

Recipient of the SLS Fellowship from the Unified Literary Contest



I have over 20 years’ experience providing communications for the Ontario electrical industry. It is an industry that has undergone significant change in that time and the projects below reflect how I and my clients have adapted to those changes. My focus has always been on the needs of my clients and how I can help them deliver relevant, up-to-date content that gets their message across.

Hydro Ottawa Training Agreement Press Release

Hydro Ottawa Training Agreement Press Release

Schneider Electric Case Study

Schneider Electric Case Study

Langford Newsletters

Langford Newsletters

CHEC Annual Reports

CHEC Annual Reports


Over my 15 year career my skills and services have adapted and changed to meet the changing needs of my clients. The range of services I provide today includes:

  • Annual reports
  • Infographics
  • Press releases
  • E-newsletters
  • Social media management
  • Case studies
  • Web content
  • News & magazine articles
  • Communications consulting
  • Eblasts
  • Presentations
  • Promotional flyers
  • Video scripts


As an electrical engineer and a journalist I have worked for a variety of businesses in both media and the electrical industry. Most recently I have focussed on provided quality services to the electrical industry with some of my recent clients listed below.

  • CHEC Association
  • Langford & Associates Inc.
  • Schneider Electric
  • Midland PUC
  • Lakefront Utilities Inc.
  • Rideau St. Lawrence Distribution
  • Collus PowerStream Corp.
  • Rodan Energy Solutions
  • PowerStream Inc. (currently Alectra)
  • Pearson Engineering Ltd.
  • Metroland Media


I am part of an active family whose activities in any given year include cross country skiing, rock climbing, swimming, hiking and home spun triathlons to name a few. These activities are a good antidote to the hours I spend bent over a keyboard or scratching out stories in my notebooks. Being outdoors and being active clears my head and above all else makes me feel alive. Certainly this influence can be seen in my fiction where my characters never seem to be able to sit still.


I am a passionate believer in the importance of communications and how it can enrich our lives, both on a professional level and as individuals in need of stories or a different view of our world. I put the needs of my clients and my readers first. If you need anything or have questions, please ask.